So it has been a while since I have posted. So I decided to get the story of how Carter came into our family on here before it is to late! :)
It was Easter Weekend and we were able to go up to Layton to go meet Dennis and Sarah at LDS Family Services. It was then when were told that we were going to be parents of a new little boy in June. We were so excited but also very nervous that it would all go as planed.

On June 26th we got a call that said Sarah was going in the hospital and hopefully she was going to be having this boy then. They sent her home and it wasn't until June 27th 2011 our little Carter was born in the Lake View Hospital in Bountiful @ 5:07 weighing 7lb 10 oz and 19 in. long. We got our stuff packed and ready to go pick this boy up. We had to wait 48 hours before we could go get him and sign papers. This was the longest 48 hours of my life next to the time we got Emmie! :)
We headed up to SLC on June 28th and stayed with Meggin and Dan. They were so kind to let us stay with them again. That night we stayed up looking at a map trying to decide on a name for this little boy. Oh the names we came up with! :) Thank goodness we decided on Carter and not Chino like Meggin wanted us to name him.
On June 29th Meggin and Dan took us shopping so we could get all the right gifts for everyone that was going to be there at the hospital. We stopped to eat at a great restaurant that we all loved and ate till we could barely walk. Oh but it was soooo good!

At 5:00 we got to the hospital and a few minutes later we had our little boy in our arms. It was the sadest but happiest time in our lives. It is an emotion that can never be described. Sad to see a birth mother and father give a child away but also so joyous that we were gaining another special spirit to be able to raise and teach and be our own. And a SON at that!!! Being able to adopt is the best thing for us. With out these birth parents selfless love we wouldn't be able to have any children, especially these 2 children whom we love dearly.

After we spent a few hours at the hospital we drove home that night. Emmie wanted to meet her new baby brother. She was so excited to be able to become a big sister and what a great big sister she is. He loves her already! (most of the time)