Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Home Evening

So tonight I decided that we were going to have family home evening. We were talking about making memories. We looked through the scrap book of our life together and then we decided or I decided that we were going to make more memories. I checked out a movie from the library that taught you how to ballroom dance. So Dave and I watched and danced the foxtrot and we were doing the waltz also. We were having so much fun and Dave asked me where Emmie was. We could hear clicking in the extra bedroom, so we stop dancing and went to see what our little angel was doing. This is what she was doing! Our poor laptop lost its buttons. She thought it was fun! So much for thinking we could have so much fun doing family home evening. I guess that is what we get when we don't do something that Emmie would enjoy. That was the end of that. Emmie made sure that we as a family were making memories. Thanks Emms!


Tiffani said...

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that there is funny! I can't wait to see you and dave's moves this weekend. You could teach us all!

The Calico Crew said...

Button button who's got the button? I'll be sure to watch Emmie around our computer more closely now. Best part of your story is me imagining you and Dave dancing in your front room and the dogs trying to follow your every move.

Tiffini said...

That's really funny good thing all the keys are lettered so you know where they go.

*crazy 'bout volleyball* said...

How did she manage to remove the keys. That can't be an easy task. I'm glad your staying at uncle Ricks. j/k I am excited to see your moves. Maybe Rick can teach us a thing or two. He and Kath took some classes. I can tell this is going to be a great Thanksgiving.

The Calico Crew said...

You've been TAGGED! DO IT--I miss reading what you're up to!