So we have been working on Emmie with potty training. A girl in my ward, Sara Goodman, told me one time that she got her boy to start using the potty very quickly by sticking him in a cold shower every time he had an accident. So I decided that I was going to try this. First of all in the summer, the water doesn't get very cold. Well I have done the cold shower thing and it didn't work. She didn't like it at first but now she loves it. The other day she came in asking me if she could have a cold shower cause she pooped. She really didnt poop but she really wanted a shower. Now when I say lets get in the shower in the mornings she starts crying and saying I dont want a cold shower, I go potty. I dont get it, first she likes it and now she doesnt. I struggle at getting her in the shower now but when she realizes that it is warm she says go away mom, I shower.
I will concer this thing some day. Although all day she didnt have one accident. Yea!!! I think she is about there. Gotta love her!
Parent's and Pastries
8 years ago
What ever happened to, "I'm just going to wait until she really wants to use the potty." COLD SHOWER!! I mean come on--CHILD ABUSE!! I know what would motivate that girl is CANDY!! Unfortunately that's what I used for the boys and they had to go potty every five minutes. Yeah for potty treats!
I have heard other's who use the cold shower trick as well. I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to do that. I forgot to tell you I saw you in the parade on the 24th.
Definitely CHILD ABUSE!! Ha Ha! Tiffany used that with Emma, but not until she was 3 and refusing to poop on the potty on worked for them in a hurry :) Good luck strong ;)
i bet instead of a cold shower you could try a really hot shower..... i bet she will never have an accident again.jk good luck since i have had brooke potty trained for a year and she still has accidents.
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