So now that Carter is almost 3 months old. I thought I had better post his 2 month pictures first. He is growing up so fast! I have just loved having this little boy. He is so good and such a happy baby. He is changing so fast. Looking at these pictures he doesn't look the same. We sure have been blessed to have such a handsome little guy and a beautiful little girl. Love my children! :)

The story on the little train. Dave made this little train. He made one also for Carters Birth Mom (Sarah) and one for his Birth Dad (Dennis). The engine is Carter and there are 4 cars behind it that are linked. One for Dave, one for me, one for Sarah, and one for Dennis. We are all linked together because of this strong little engine/boy. It will be something that he can have that is the same as his birth parents and its something that his dad made for all of them. I thought it was kind of cool and I think they turned out so cute. Every little boy needs a train so people have told me. So here is his first train!

Oh my heck- the football one is adorable!!! He is growing up too fast-they always do!!
That is such a great idea about the train, what wonderful parents this new little guy has been blessed to. He is a handsome little one, so cute! Congrats!
The train is cute! I'm learning how to make ties and there is a pattern for newborn so I'll try and learn and then pass my knowledge on...Maybe by sister's weekend (or hours if not weekend?). Cute pics of that boy!
I obviously need to take some photoshop lessons from you. How did you get that football one to look so good with the 2-tone? I can't get my colors not to overlap just a tiny bit. Those pictures are so cute and you are so good to keep taking them. I need to learn from your example. . . except I am a little late with my fam.
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