Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Broke Down

So on Sunday Dave and I were in Vegas, we went to pick Jill up at the airport. We had my niece Khloee and Emmie with us. So we are driving back home and we were telling Jill that this car has been good but I hate it, why I dont know but I do. Dave was saying that it has been a good car for us though, When all of the sudden we started over heating then some funny noise started and Daves says " I think our engine is going to blow". Jill has a plan of unbuckling girls from thier car seats if any fire or exposion happens. We start going down a hill and our car dies so we coasted untill we couldnt go any more. We were out in the middle of no wheres land. Nothing but desert! We were about 4 miles south of Masquite. So we called Phill Baker to come and get us with is trailor so we could load the car up and get it home. So we took the girls and played in the dirt AWAY from the highwayuntil Phill got there. Thanks Phill for saving us. We finally got home and I am not even getting a new car out of this. But I do get to drive the Expedition now. I am glad that it wasnt worse than it really was. I dont think Jill will want us to pick her up anymore!


The Calico Crew said...

I don't think I would bag on my car at the time I am driving it for this very reason. Maybe the next time you don't like something you'll voice your opinion elsewhere (like when you talk about someone behind their back). I think you get the idea! Glad you at least have a back up car.

Tryin' to keep up said...

Why oh Why oh Why! Now I'll never get you back down here for a visit. I promise I didn't jinx you. You had issues with it long before coming to our house. I guess you can say, "Do (say) unto others (things) as you would have them do (treat) unto you." We loved having you visit though! We'll take you back anytime.

Tiffini said...

I hate when that happens we have such bad luck that I got AAA just for that reason and yes it has came in handy!!

Cluff Family said...

good times with the Cluff's!!